“Socially Mediated Publicness”: an open-access issue of JOBEM

I love being a scholar, but one thing that really depresses me about research is that so much of what scholars produce is rendered inaccessible to so many people who might find it valuable, inspiring, or thought-provoking. This is at the root of what drives my commitment to open-access. When Zizi Papacharissi asked Nancy Baym and I if we’d be willing to guest edit the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media (JOBEM), we agreed under one condition: the issue had to be open-access (OA). Much to our surprise and delight, Taylor and Francis agreed to “test” that strange and peculiar OA phenomenon by allowing us to make this issue OA.

Nancy and I decided to organize the special issue around “socially mediated publicness,” both because we find that topic to be of great interest and because we felt like there was something fun about talking about publicness in truly public form. We weren’t sure what the response to our call would be, but were overwhelmed with phenomenal submissions and had to reject many interesting articles.

But we are completely delighted to publish a collection of articles that we think are timely, interesting, insightful, and downright awesome. If you would like to get a sense of the arguments made in these articles, make sure to check out our introduction. The seven pieces in this guest-edited issue of JOBEM are:

We hope that you’ll find them fun to read and that you’ll share them with others that might enjoy them too!

5 thoughts on ““Socially Mediated Publicness”: an open-access issue of JOBEM

  1. Pingback: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development » Bookmarks for September 12th through September 17th

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  4. Dear danah,
    I agree with your comment on the importance of making research accessible to practitioners. I work for Network for Business Sustainability, which tries to connect research to practice around the topic of sustainable business. Social media is a topic that the businesses we work with are very interested in, and we are about to launch an online discussion on the topic between researchers and practitioners. Would it be possible for us to engage someone from the Social Media Collective in the conversation? I can follow up with details.
    Best wishes,
    Maya Fischhoff

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