Welcome Sarah Snyder!

The Social Media Collective is VERY EXCITED to welcome a new STS Predoctoral Research Assistant to the Microsoft Research New England Lab!!

Sarah Snyder (she/they) holds a Master of Information with a specialization in Culture and Technology from the University of Toronto iSchool. In her research, she reads social media content as literature to gain a deeper understanding of platform culture and the narrative forms that contribute to viral success. Sarah is a co-author of “The Lag Manifesto” (Afterimage, 2020) as a member of the Digital Inequality Lab. She has also been published in PopMatters and The Astrophysical Journal. She has served as an editorial assistant for Technoprecarious (MIT Press, 2020) and the upcoming second edition of Introduction to Digital Media by Alessandro Delfanti and Adam Arvidsson (Wiley). In addition, Sarah is an active member of several research groups, including the Digital Inequality Lab at the University of Michigan and the Technoscience Research Unit and Platform Organizing Lab at the University of Toronto.

Sarah will spend this academic year focused on supporting a new SMC STS project in the Lab studying how to surface and challenge AI divides through deep, multi-year community-driven innovation research and codevelopment efforts.

Welcome Sarah!